Literacy. Phonological awareness. Reading. Phonics.Abstract
This study aimed to investigate and discuss, through literature review, the relationship between the use of phonics in early childhood literacy and neuropsychological functions involved in reading. For this, first sought to it understanding of what the necessary skills so that the student is fit for learning to read, or what elements and factors are considered minimum knowledge needed to leave for formal literacy. Then exposed to a speech covering the neurological organization in the act of reading and their innate nature, passing from the arrival of information, processing and acquired answers - inputs and outputs. It focuses also on the phonics approach, and its relationship with the biological limits of brain architecture, and briefly highlight the issue of the contribution of this knowledge to better targeting of educational practice with respect to literacy. It is considered finally that the choice of methods phonic does not imply ignoring the existence and use of top-down processing, there is a need for theoretical integration, since the classrooms are taken by the heterogeneity of the students with difficulties and potential different. Therefore, you need to know how to use what is most appropriate according to the conditions of the moment.
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