Patient discharge. Humanization of Assistance. Patient safety.Abstract
Hospital discharge is used as a tool to improve, strengthen patient self-care and autonomy, significantly increasing adherence to the prescribed discharge treatment and reducing future hospital readmissions. This study aimed to know the perceptions of health professionals about the process of hospital discharge in a hospital located in the Santa Catarina coast. It is a descriptive and exploratory qualitative research. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with health professionals, which were recorded and transcribed later, and analyzed through content analysis. The results pointed out 3 a priori categories: prescribing in discharge orientation, in which there is no multi professional guidance provided to the patient; Access to medicines by the SUS in which the orientation regarding the medicines available in the SUS is not standardized; And the role of the pharmacist at hospital discharge, which highlights the absence of this professional in both hospital discharge processes. It is concluded that in the current scenario there is no hospital discharge planning, despite the importance of performing a humanized hospital discharge focused on a hospital model of health promotion in the long term.Downloads
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