Interações e brincadeiras na educação infantil

Por que é importante interagir e brincar na escola?


  • Gislaine Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Ana Flávia Bonacina
  • Ligia Brehm
  • Eliane Kormann
  • Gissele Prette
  • Luciane Oliveira da Rosa


Understanding the importance of interactions and play and structuring axes of pedagogical practices in Early Childhood Education, discussed by the National Curriculum Guidelines and the National Common Curriculum Base, becomes fundamental when we understand the essentiality of those elements in an integrated way in pedagogical practice. The methodology of the study was characterized as a qualitative approach with a descriptive nature and referring to the procedures and methods, defined as bibliographic and field research, carried out in the following stages: in Supervised Internship I, with the observation and elaboration of the Action Plans of this field; and in Stage II, with the application of the plans, followed by the elaboration of Portfolio and Data Analysis, in a preschool class, of an Early Childhood Education Center of the Municipal Network of Brusque, Santa Catarina. We analyzed ten of the proposed activities involving games and interactions, with games, cutting activities, painting and collage, literature and storytelling, videos, conversation circles, and music, with the active participation of children as protagonists. Studies in the area of childhood provided theoretical support for the analyses. After this study, we analyzed the need to promote interactions and play, integrating them with learning rights and fields of experiences in environments that invite children to experience challenges and feel provoked to solve them, in which they can construct meanings about themselves, about others and the social and natural world of children as protagonists.

