Alfabetização e letramento na brinquedoteca da UNIFEBE
Um projeto de extensão do curso de pedagogia
The article aims to present the literacy and literacy extension project of the pedagogy course of UNIFEBE, thus discussing the processes of literacy and literacy development with school-age children. The project is developed in the toy library of said course for children aged 6 to 10 years in the literacy phase and for children aged 8 to 10 years to consolidate literacy and extension. It covers the first years of elementary school, with the application being carried out by college scholars and interns. The project aims to develop the literacy skills of children in the school community of Brusque – SC, in the context of school reinforcement with a focus on literacy practices such as orality, linguistic/semiotic analysis, reading, listening and text production that favor learning in the early years of elementary school. In the text, we present some theoretical aspects of literacy and reading and writing, the National Literacy Policy and its developments, the project developed at the college, the data analysis and the final reflections. Literacy and literacy studies underpin our analysis. We assume that literacy and reading and writing are co-developed processes that require planning, knowledge and commitment on the part of the teacher, who must see the child as an active, capable agent in his or her learning. The analyzes show the importance of the extension project developed to help many children with literacy and playful reading and writing.
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