Even before the appearance of artificial dyes, in prehistory men already used plants and other resources such as flowers, seeds, bark, among others, to make paintings, color utensils and, later, dye fabrics. The textile industry in Brazil has great importance in generating jobs and in the country's economy, but it is the industry that generates the most effluents and that are difficult to degrade, which can cause serious environmental impacts. In this way, the present work aims to research and identify ways and methods to develop natural dyes in the textile industry in an effective and economical way, making their use viable and advantageous in order to minimize the environmental impacts caused by the effluents of artificial dyes. To this end, bibliographic research was carried out in books, theses and scientific articles. There are still many obstacles to the complete replacement of synthetic dyes by natural ones, mainly because of their instability and cost; however, through natural dyes it is possible to obtain the same dyeing quality as synthetic dyes. In addition, the demand for sustainable products that are less aggressive to the environment and health is growing more and more, stimulating investment in research so thatcompanies can adopt such technology.
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