ABSTRACT: The purging process is a necessary step in the pre-dyeing stage. It consists in the removal of impurities impregnated in the mesh. Among the impurities are sizing oils and paraffins, that are difficult to remove by a simple washing process. The use of emulators reduces the surface tension between oil and water, facilitating their mixing and, consequently, their removal without purging, saving time and water. Polyester fabrics are made from synthetic yarns for different purposes. The compositions of oils for the manufacturing processes are also different, requiring different emulgents to remove them and ensure the quality of the fabric's finish. The tests to measure the efficiency of removing oil from an emulator were carried out in the dyeing company's laboratory in Brusque, assisted by a technician from the emulator development company in the city of Pomerode. For the oil extraction tests, we used an oil Extractor device. Theefficiency of the emulator is measured by the ratio of the amount of oil removed and the amount of blank sample. The medium, acid, neutral or alkaline must be observed, as it directly interferes with the efficiency of an emulator.
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