University Management, Strategic Thinking, Strategic Planning and Strategies.Abstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the strategic formulation process of the Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES and the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC. Therefore, this research had as a general objective, the accomplishment of a comparative study, whose main focus was the Institutional Development Plan - PDI -, of both Universities, promoting the following discussion: The implemented strategies have been taken from what was outlined in the Institutional Development Plan? What was thought, is actually being done? In other words, whether such results are derived from Strategic Thinking or Strategic Planning. The subject in which the researcher chose to study differs in large part from the other researched áreas of university management, since it brings up issues related to public universities, which, in addition to their complex organizational aspects, have peculiar characteristics. This study, therefore, is characterized as a case study, whose methods used include theoretical research on the subject, documentary research, interviews with the respective sectors and people responsible for the elaboration and formulation of the Institutional Development Plan, conceptual basis for the formulation of the Strategic Planning and strategy formulation. It was evidenced through this study that although the IDP is a very well designed and visionary instrument, projecting both universities for a future of five years, it showed that strategic thinking is decoupled from its execution in the managerial practice of the HEIs studied.
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