Good manufacturing practices. Food security. Inspection higienic-sanitary conditions. Structure.Abstract
The Producing Units of Meal (UPRs) are organizations aimed at preparing and providing of meals with quality. In the context of Food Security, the UPRs lack provide structural conditions and adequate hygienic-sanitary in all stages of the production chain. Food can be contaminated at any stage of production. There are many restaurants in precarious situations of cleaning, organization and even with little knowledge about the proper handling of food. Thus aimed to evaluate the physical and structural conditions of preparation area and distribution of meals in restaurants by weight in Chapecó-SC, from March to April 2016. The restaurants were evaluated through an inspection with the aid of the Checklist of Good Practices for Food Services and still gave the monitoring of parameters for checking the temperature of preparations, for gathering and recording temperatures, we selected 3 warm preparations and 3 cold preparations, registered in spreadsheet. The results obtained through the checklist revealed that the restaurants evaluated, 60% were in Group II - Satisfactory, and with an average of 64,248% of the restaurants had to be adequate. Already in temperature parameters, showed that the majority of the restaurants are inadequate, because they do not control the temperature and time of exposure of the food. We conclude that the inadequacy of establishments is mainly due to the poor condition of the physical structure, poor hygiene, lack of trained staffer and organization, usually in the area of food handling.Downloads
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