Ergonomic patterns. Comfort. Footwear. Anthropometry.Abstract
This study aimed to propose an anthropometric standard for footwear companies in the city of Campina Grande based on specific measures of elderly women, aged between 60 and 90 years, living in this location. For the definition of the research sample, the database of the "More Calce" Project was developed, developed by SENAI National Industrial Apprenticeship Service, which determined the anthropometric profile of the elderly of Paraíba. From that moment, 51 users were selected for the study, which consisted in comparing, from the perceptual and anthropometric point of view, the use of sneaker shoes found in the local market, and those developed from the specific measures. The shoes were analyzed using technical procedures and submitted to comfort tests according to the norms of ABNT NBR14834 (2015), NBR14835 (2013) and NBR14840 (2011) to analyze comfort from an ergonomic point of view. The results obtained contributed with a specific anthropometric standard for the footwear industry, presenting comfort levels superior to 25% for footwear developed from the French point, according to the methodological view of the norms of ABNT - Brazilian Association of Norms and Techniques, used. The validation of these new anthropometric measures contributes in a relevant way to the industry, in the development of new products, with the consumers and for the academy since scientific field research is presented with data and methodology that can be studied and replicated.
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